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Photo Studio

Rosanna Head

Life In The Mist Photography

Since I was a little girl. I have been fascinated with photography. I will look at a picture and stare at it for hours and create stories and studying every detail about the picture. I always believed in the phrase that a picture speaks a thousand words. I love hearing stories from photography.  This inspired me to become photography because there is so much meaning behind a photograph and many stories to tell.

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Camera Lighting

My Services

I’m happy to provide a wide variety of packages and services, which are all customized to my client’s needs,and feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Please contact me at

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Camera Lighting

Full Photoshoot

Exceeding Expectations

Throughout my three years attending Lane College and working with Lane College Mass College, I have gained the experience and expertise necessary to make this process as seamless as possible.

Image by Clem Onojeghuo

“The camera makes you forget you’re there. It’s not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much.”

Annie Leibovitz


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Professional Experience

Take a look at my CV below to learn about my professional experience. Each role has been a dynamic and creative endeavour, providing me with an opportunity to develop both personally and professionally. I thrive in new challenges and put everything I have into each new project. To learn more about my background, simply get in touch.

Camera Operator

August 2018-April 2021

My responsibilities were to make sure to get good shots of the events at Lane College, and listening to directors' orders for the audience who watch online, can get a great view of the events.
Lane College Athletic Teams
Lane College Chapel
Lane College Choir 
Lane College Greek Chapter Event
Lane College Inside The Den
Lane College Leadership Conference 
Lane College Honor Awards
Lane College First-Year Student Week
Lane College- Chuck Rainey


August 2019 - April 2021

As an Interviewer, it was my responsibility to create interview students around Lane College to interview and write an article. 
The Love For Music
Condition of The Dorms: 
Senior Class President: 
Motivation To Succeed
Lane College Experience 


January 2017 - April 2021

It was my responsibility to create blogs of my choice to post on social media platforms.
Bleach Cream
The "N" Word
Mississippi Rags to Riches (Cotton Trade) Part 1
Ed Johnson Falsely Converted
African Americans Should Read This Book and Letter
Adults Being Offensive Toward Adult Cartoon and Television Shows
Dark Girls (Colorism)
Colorism Black Complexion In America
False Teachers
Public Schools Reduce and Free Lunch
Rosanna's Bio
Mississippi Real ID
13 Amendment
Mississippi Penal Institution
Generation Z  and  Millennium
Bloody Sunday
Ground Hog Day 
Jimmy Hoffa
Black Codes
The Black-Free Masons
Military Codes


August 2018 - April 2021

My responsibilities were to take shots of the events I was assigned to do.
Lane College Sports Department
Lane College Choir
Lane College Greek Events
Lane College POP Scholars and National Honor Society of Leadership and

Lane College Chapel 

Lane College Campus

Video Editor

August 2019 - April 2021

My responsibilities were to edit videos for the media.
Lane College Tour: Water Tower
Lane College Choir
Sound Commercial  Beach Theme
Sound Commercial: Choir
Israel Hotel
Lane College Donations
Lane College Club Signs up

Graphic Designer

February 2020 to May 2020

My responsibilities include making a black history graphic for Friendship CME Church program ,and  creating a graphic design and logo for the Lashes Ad.

Floor Manager

September  2020 - September 2020

My responsibilities were to signal each speaker to let them know when it is their turn to talk, signal the cameras, and how much time is left of the show.
Events:  Lane College Inside The Dean

Sound Tech

August 2020 - August 2020

My responsibilities include making sure the sound is excellent in the event.
Lane College Chapel


August 2015 - February 2017

This is a job description for your CV. Write a brief overview of the position, the main responsibilities and your accomplishments while working in the role. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

Mass Media Director For Lane College Choir

July 2020 - September 2020

My responsibilities include making sure the team does their job, post social media content, create graphics, create snips of the choir singing, and photography, and broadcast live.

Set- up and Break Down Equipment

August 2018 - September 2020

My responsibilities include setting up and breaking down equipment for each event.
Lane College Sports 
Lane College Greek Events
Lane College Chapel
Lane College Choir
Lane College Inside The Den

Mass Media Trainer

August 2018 - September  2020

My responsibilities include training the new  Mass Communication majors to learn how to set and break down equipment, operate the cameras, learn the code names to operate the camera, and graphics.

Home: CV
Home: Blog Feed

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