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Free Reduce Lunch

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

In the year 1946, A man name Richard B. Russell started the National School Lunch Program for public and non-profit schools. President Harry Truman had signed off on the law. The reason for the program is to provide low-cost and free lunch for children In public schools around the United States, children are starving at school due to not having enough money to pay for their food. Many people are having questions on why should he/have pay for their children’s food and the school is providing free education. Why should income matter? If education is free why not food? Questions need to be answered about why certain children can not get free lunch, because of parents’ income. Parents and guardians want to know how can their kids pass their tests and function in class without having any food in his/her stomachs. The reason why public schools have children to pay for lunch is that when public schools offer free and reduced programs to see if the child can get free lunch. If the school has a high free and reduce the school will get taxpayer funding. People have questions and answers that need to be giving to the public. People are trying to figure parents can go to jail for not feeding nor taking care of their children. The children can be taken away. If the school does the same to a child who does not have enough money or no money it is okay. They will blame the parents for not giving the child money. The school even has gotten as far as calling the foster system because the parent not giving money to the child. People are saying that does not make any sense at all. Cafeteria workers putting their job on the line to let children pass through with their trays to eat instead of making the child throw them away. When cafeteria workers do that they will get fired from their jobs. Three months ago Donald Trump proposed to have one million or more children taken off free lunch. So if parents are on food stamps and it gets taking away from them. The child will have to start paying for food to eat in schools. For a child to get free food in school the parent or guardian income has to between 130% to 185% of the poverty rate, receiving SNAP or TANF for reducing lunch for children. The free lunch is supposed to be shutting down in March of 2022. Every child will be coming out of pocket to pay for lunch. The public schools can charge whatever they want to get food in the cafeteria. Society always complaining about food waste and the food that can be given to the less fortunate. If society is teaching students how it is important to eat all his/her food and not throwing it away.

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