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13 Amendment Blog

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

In the United States of American, people do not understand the Constitution. Many of the amendments are being misused or misunderstood. The 13th Amendment is one of the amendments that are misleading and misunderstood. The Amendment is abolishing slavery. After the Unions won the Civil War and the Constitution passed the law On April 8, 1885. So slavery was abolished but not for criminals. So, the United States find a way to keep slavery existed for African Americans, so penal institutions it was. Slavery started in 1619, and it is 2019 now. People are saying it does not exist, but it does. The prominent people are African Americans being in slavery by being lock up in the institution. In the United States, said to Prison Policy, there are 1 719 prisons, 109 federal, 1,772 juvenile, and 3,163 local jails prisons. Right now, thirty-seven million African Americans are in institutions. Many of them are lock up due to a crime they did not commit. Prisons are run as a business so are even private ownership. They must find a way to make money by inmates and running hard labor to keep the prisons going. While in slavery they had African Americans were working on railroads, working on mines, picking cotton, and many more. That still exists to this day, even the pay. For example, in the movie” Life” with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrance, they got lock up for a murder they did not commit in Mississippi and got sent to jail for life because they were black. They were only making a few cents an hour working on a railroad, walking in a straight line with a guard riding a horse with a gun in his hand. That was an example of that happing in the 1940s in the movie. Remember, slavery was abolished, right. It is 2019. The same thing is still going on throughout the republican states, mostly in Louisiana. Trey, who works for an elevator company, said he has some friends who are an institution in Louisiana. His friends told him that they work on the railroads for only a few cents a day. His friends even said that many inmates died working on railroads due to heat strokes and many more. Inmates still get beatings and mistreated by the guards if they do not listen or anything. Many inmates often even get killed or even mental illnesses due to what the guards have done to them. The guard does not care or do anything about it. Even if the inmates have a record of health issues, they will still work. The prison is run as a business as it is. Inmates are getting paid less than 17 cents a day for hard labor even though the institution makes millions, billions, and trillions off the inmates. If the institution does not have enough inmates, the prison will be shut down. The prison must find a way to keep the prison going even through slavery and running it as a business.

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